Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I actually plan to watch the Twilight Saga: Eclipse, premiere on wednesday with Dewi & Topan, and then it cancelled. We just hang out at ZOE Cafe & Library at Margonda, Depok.

Then i plan it for the next day with Dewi, Asti and her sister, after a long route from my residence in Pondok Gede, with traffic & hot weather, i arrived at Plaza Semanggi at 3.35 pm and reserved for the 7.00 pm cinema, but what can i say, i ran out of tickets. Oh yes, people who know me must know that this cancellation do really piss me out. So i spent my rest day at Starbucks Pacific Place, try to enjoy the wi-fi, sour pomegrade juice (for free!!) and chocolate stroop wafel.

After a long waiting and disapointed feelings for this couple of days, so i go again with Joe. We plan to watch it at Mega Bekasi XXI. We feel very surprise to see the line, a very long line there, fyuh!! Then he checked the internet & got information that the theater renovation at Metropolitan Mall has been done, so we go there and got the tickets for 2.40 pm cinema. Yupiiieeee!!!

About the movie it self, i think it is better when i compare to the last two prekuel. thanks to David Slade as the director of this sekuel. The acting of every player has a good progress but Robert Pattison. I am sorry for his fans for saying this, but it is true that i can't feel Edwards charming as i feel when i read the novel. Bravo for Taylor Lautner, he is very successfull on changing Jacobs images from a stubborn-annoying-wolf into a sweet-handsome-wolf, and he just love Bella too much. Overall, i like and give points 8.5 for this sekuel.

Well, it do has a lot of dialog than the action, and it makes my friend feel so sleepy, but he just instantly fresh at the kissing part and when Jacob say to Edward: "I am hotter than you", he just laugh out loud.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

@ MENTAWAI part.1

Now i am leaving mentawai for good. Ada suka dan banyak duka, anyway, that is life, take the good and make the bad as lessons". A picture can tell us stories more, so.....

Hohoho, ada TV 21" dan DVD player juga, tapi hanya menyala saat malam sampai pagi menjelang. Maklum listrik cuma ada di malam hari..

Bed room, ga pernah terbayang bisa tidur dengan lelapnya di atas matras. Btw, kalau tidur siang bangun-bangun biasanya suka keringetan, panasnya ga nahan!! Tapi namanya ngantuk tetep aja tidurnya pules..

Backyard. Buat jemur baju, ada antena parabola juga, keren..(pdhl biasa aja sih)

Kitchen. Ga pernah bersih,,capek deh!! Btw, skrg mcy udah bisa nyalain kompor minyak tanah!! My mom should be very proud of me,hahahaha...

Rain is very important and one of the most expected things in Mentawai. In the village where i live, it fresh water source 100% comes from the rain.

Sumur, airnya payau dan berwarna coklat, kadang suka ada ikan nongol di air..

bak penampungan air hujan..

Kamar mandi dalam, sumber airnya terhubung dengan toren air yang sumber airnya tampiasan air dari atap..

ini dia toren luar yang terhubung dengan kamar mandi dalam. Airnya habis, ya udah deh, mandi di sumur belakang..

begitu hujan, semua ember di jejerkan untuk menampung air tampiasan dari atap rumah... Sibuukk!!!

Halaman depan rumah pun ada ember untuk menampung tampiasan air hujan. Botol-botol aqua itu nantinya mcy isi air hujan dan pagi-pagi di bawa ke Puskesmas untuk cuci alat dan kumur-kumur pasien.

Friday, May 21, 2010

FridayLove part2.

Good thing happen on friday!!

Well,sbenernya hari ini bukan jum'at terbaik mesi, my mood suddenly drop below zero, minus!! Seharusnya nggak perlu sesedih ini, tapi tetep aja sedih. But still, this is a good friday. Seenggaknya ALLAH sudah memberikan petunjuknya supaya mesi lebih bisa membuka mata. What i want is not always good,,

Sekarang yang harus di lakukan hanyalah sholat, berdzikir dan berdoa meminta di berikan yang terbaik. ALLAH pasti memberikan yang terbaik, mesi tahu itu, terbukti dari semua kejadian selama ini. Selalu ada hal-hal sulit, rumit, menyedihkan, bikin kesel dan marah, tapi setelah itu kesenangan berlipat ganda yang mesi dapat. Now, all i try is to keep my faith in gratitude and patient.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

About a year ago, i follow a personality quiz from the internet. Hasilnya?? Tepat 98%!!
Nobody knows who you are but your self, but it just fun to read about yourself.
picture is taken from

There is lot of question to answer, 100 questions and i only survive to answer half of it, i think i'm too tired to continue, later perhaps.

Berhubung mesi itu pelupa kronis, catet dulu blognya biar ga lupa
*big smile*

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

MY MOST part.1

if you are asking me my most fav. place, i would answer THE BEACH!!
yup, i just like beach..

duduk di atas batangan kayu,,
membenamkan kaki di atas pasir,,
merasakan hembusan angin,,
menatap ombak bergulung dan mendengar suara deburannya,,
di atas langit biru cerah dengan awan yang berarak,,
burung camar beterbangan berburu ikan dengan suara khasnya,,
mencium aroma asin laut bercampur pinus pepohonan,,
memperhatikan nelayan yang sedang mencari ikan,,
keceriaan anak-anak kecil yang bermain di tepi pantai,,

i like the peaceful at the beach,,
i can make my self feel alone,,
but i'm not really alone,,
many views,,
many sounds,,
i'm alone in this crowded place,,

here are some pictures in mentawai, west sumatera, id.

the beach at Simasin Island, white sands-blue sea-expensive boat charter, hahaha..
but we have a lot of fun there, what a valuable vacation experience with my mother-father-dewi (sister)

candid photo shoot at Labuan Bajau, Siberut Island.
Waiting for the boat to pick us back to Sikabaluan.

candid photo shoot at Labuan Bajau, Siberut Island.

waiting for sunrise at Sikabaluan beach, but as you see the sky is covered with many clouds,,
but still a very beautiful view,,
accompanied by friends,,
together enjoying conversation with some drinks and cookies.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Gosh,,i really hate it when this symbol appears on my cell phone!!
its just an indication that i cant do any text, call, neither the internet..
my cellphone only works as a music player and camera (well,thats not the reasons why i have a cell phone, right??)
& my noteBook only works to play game, listening to the music,etc,, but not surfing the web!!
gyaaa,,that almost totally nerves me out!!

now at least i should still thanks it happens for couple of hours,half or a day only,,
once,when the BTS tower was broken,, i must deal with that condition for two months,,
lila teuing!! yahh, namanya juga tempat terpencil..

Friday, May 7, 2010


alhamdulillah it is friday!!
there are many reasons why i love friday, especially this friday..

reason #1
it was raining this morning,,
long time ago, i may grumbling with my jutekpes,, but now i'd rather to cheer up for the rain!!

this is not a tea,,
but this is the water from our wheel,,
it may go darker if there is no rain in few days,,
it tastes salty too!!
& yup, ini air payauuuu!!!

BIG LOVE for the rain!!
now i can take a shower with fresh water, yippiee!!!
harus cepat2 mencuci baju juga!! hihihi, tumpukannya sudah berbukit-menggunung,, mumpung air melimpah!!! *lebayyy*

reason #2
my patient payed me more than i charged for him,,
i only charged Rp.20.000,- for a tooth extraction, but he just payed me moooreee!!
hohoho, ini penghasilan hari ini..


maybe what i get isn't that much,,
i just feel happy because my patient do appreciate my work,,
an honest thanks would be enough, but i never say no for money!!
pamali euy nolak rejeki!!


Thursday, May 6, 2010


i'm on a mission!!
its a secret mission!!
i've lost my glasses and i can't find it anywhere!!
look at the box!!
it is empty..

i wonder where my glasses can be??
how can i search without my glasses??
oh nooo!!!

a newbie is trying to learn about a thing..

Bagaimana ya cara buatnya?? mudah?? Atau sulitkah??

This kind of questions keep on going through my mind lately..
Rather to keep on questioning the mystery of blogging, then i decided to try..
i think that i will never learn a thing without learning & making mistakes..
punten weh upami seueur lepatna, maklum nembe di ajar

so here i am, ready with my new account & trying to write something!!

the problems are,,there are many things in my mind i want to share..
i dont know how to express all the things inside this little (stubborn) head,,
i dont know how to start,,

nyerat sakieu wae tos bingung,
kulem heula lah!!
enjing di teraskeun deui,,

Special thanks to: Herni Supiartini sebagai kamus bahas sunda mecci *LOL*